Corona Crisis: Web
Here pages about the Corona crisis from all over the world are presented. We are looking for newspapers and magazines, front pages and inside pages. Data journalistic projects and websites with articles and infographics on the web are also presented here. Take part! Send your projects as Pdf to nkuepper@editorial-design.com or send files with more than 20 MB with wetransfer.com. For websites the link to the website is sufficient.
Hier werden Seiten über die Corona-Krise aus aller Welt präsentiert. Wir suchen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Titelseiten und Innenseiten. Datenjournalistische Projekte und Websites mit Artikeln und Infografiken im Web werden hier ebenfalls vorgestellt. Machen Sie mit! Schicken Sie Ihre Projekte als Pdf an nkuepper@editorial-design.com oder schicken Sie Dateien mit mehr als 20 MB mit wetransfer.com. Bei Websites genügt der Link zur Website.
February 19, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
March 10, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
March 14, 2020, Web
March 16, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
March 20, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
March 21, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
March 22, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
March 25, update April 12, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
This is the LINK.
This is the LINK.
This is the LINK.
This is the LINK to the ft.com project.
This is the LINK to the Zeit project.
This is the LINK to the Zeit project.
This is the LINK to the Tages Anzeiger projects.
This is the LINK to the Berliner Morgenpost project.
This is the LINK to the Heilbronner Stimme project.
This is the LINK to the Landeszeitung project.
April 9, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
April 11, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
May 6, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
May 9, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.
May 16, 2020, Social Media
This is the LINK.
May 26, 2020, Web
This is the LINK.