Corona crisis in newspapers, websites and magazines
We have compiled newspapers, magazines and articles on the web from January to May 2020. The contents are sorted by date and are divided into 9 articles:
– 1 Europe,
– 2 and 3 Middle East and Asia,
– 4 Oceania,
– 5 Canada,
– 6 USA,
– 7 Central and South America,
– Web,
– Magazines.
On this page here you will find selected articles sorted by topic.
We start with special projects:
Fuldaer Zeitung: This newspaper is especially dedicated to visual journalism and presents content in a clearly structured and reader-friendly way even during the Corona crisis.
Diário de Notícias Madeira: This newspaper produces a daily epaper, the Diário de Notícias Coronavírus. This newspaper also uses a very strong visual journalism.
This is followed by the category “Cover and Cover Story”. “Front Page Series” shows covers from all over the world, which form a series through their distinctive design. In “Visualization”, title pages were compiled to show, for example, empty streets, social distancing, closed schools, queues, homework, etc. Under “Concept”, pages are shown that, for example, compare the Corona pandemic with historical pandemics. The situation in retirement homes and prisons is also shown with examples from different countries.
The collection will be continued and updated. Contributions from January 2020 onwards are welcome. Please send them as Pdf and sorted by date to nkuepper@editorial-design.com or via wetransfer.com
Special: Fuldaer Zeitung
Special: Diário de Notícias Madeira, Portugal
Diário de Notícias Coronavírus
The newspaper Diário de Notícias from Madeira publishes a daily epaper named Díario de Notícitas Coronavírus.
Eder Luís, Art Director, writes: “In a time where information and misinformation comes from all parts, we feel the need to offer a product entirely free of charge to our readers with the mission to inform but also to explain and clarify doubts. It is published in e-paper format daily after 7 pm. The newspaper contains the latest news on the topic of corona, which is generated during the course of the day. There are also comments by personalities from Madeira and there are contributions fed from social networks. Overall, we are dealing with the pandemic on a regional level.”
Cover and Coverstory
Front Page Series: De Morgen, Belgium
Front Page Series: Público
Front Page Series: Denník N, Slovakia
Front Page Series: Kleine Zeitung, Austria
Front Page Series: Kurier, Austria
Front Page Series: The New Zealand Herald, New Zealand
Front Page Series: National Post, Canada
Front Page Series: The Globe and Mail, Canada
Front Page Series: El Univeral, Colombia
Front Page Series: O Povo, Brazil
Front Page Series: Handelsblatt, Germany
Front Page Series: WirtschaftsWoche, Germany
Alternative Storytelling: Weser Kurier
Infographics Print: Unemployment USA
Visualization: Empty streets
Visualization: Social Distancing
Visualization: Closure of Theatres, Churches, Sports Arenas
Visualization: Schools closed
Visualization: Tourism
Visualization: Panic buying – Hamsterkäufe
Visualization: Work from home
Visualization: Food lines
Concept: Pandemics in history, 1918 Spanish flu, 1955 Polio
Concept: Situation in retirement homes
Concept: Situation in prisons
Concept: Newspaper is created in the living room – Westfalenpost
Concept: Translations of corona rules – Nordsee-Zeitung
Concept: Photo of the day – Trouw
Concept: They keep the city running – Berliner Morgenpost
Concept: Corona in Berlin - All facts at a glance – Berliner Morgenpost
Concept: Retail - We are back again – Berliner Morgenpost